Thursday, 5 April 2007

Some books and papers on climate and wildlife change

The following list includes various publications that, in the main, have some bearing on climate change and biodiversity. Many can be downloaded in pdf or other formats. If you come across any other titles worthy of consideration please let us know and we will add them to the list:
  • Coghlan, Andy (2007) Fungi come in from the cold to fruit twice a year. New Scientist 194 (2599) 14 April 2007: 17
  • Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (2007) Draft Climate Change Bill. HMSO, London.
  • English Nature (n.d.) The role of corridors, stepping stones and islands for species conservation in a changing climate. English Nature Research Report 75, parts 1 to 5. English Nature, Peterborough.
  • English Nature et al. (post-2000) Climate Change and Nature. Adapting for the Future. English Nature, Peterborough.
  • Fowler, A. & Brown, V. (1993) Site management and climate. English Nature Research Report 76, parts 1 to 16. English Nature, Peterborough.
  • Gange, A. et al. (2007) Rapid and Recent Changes in Fungal Fruiting Patterns. Science 6 April 2007: 71.
  • Green, R. E., Harley, M., Miles, L., Scharlemann, J., Watkinson, A., & Watts, O. (2003) Global Climate Change and Biodiversity. RSPB, Sandy, Bedfordshire.
  • Green, R. E., Harley, M., Spalding, M. & Zockler, C. eds. (c. 2001) Impacts of climate change on wildlife. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Sandy, Bedfordshire.
  • Henson, R. (2006) The Rough Guide to Climate Change. Rough Guides, London. (Highly praised as a good general account of climate change)
  • Hill, M. O., Wright, S. M., Dring, J. C., Firbank, L. G., Manchester, L. J. & Croft, J. M. (1994) The potential for the spread of alien species in England following climatic change. English Nature Research Report 90, parts 1 to 6. English Nature, Peterborough.
  • Harley, M. (2005) Climate change: some key facts and figures. English Nature, Peterborough.
  • Kent Wildlife Trust (2006) A Living Landscape for the south east. The ecological network approach to rebuilding biodiversity for the 21st century. The Wildlife Trusts in the South East.
  • Piper, J. M., Wilson, E. B., Weston, J., Thompson, S. & Glasson, J. (2006) Spatial planning for biodiversity in our changing climate. English Nature Research Report 677. English Nature, Peterborough.
  • Thomas, S. (2007) The UK Phenology Network - enlisting the nature detectives of the future. British Wildlife 18 (4) April 2007: 236-239.
  • Wesche, S. (2003) The implications of climate change for the conservation of beech woodlands and associated flora in the UK. English Nature Research Report 528. English Nature, Peterborough.

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